Atatus has three different API keys:

  • Agent API key - It is required by the agents to report the data to Atatus. It is applicable only for Browser agent.

  • Agent License key - It is required by the agents to report the data to Atatus. It is applicable only for APM and Infra agents.

  • Client(REST) API key - It is a unique identifier that needs to be specified to read or view the data from Atatus.

You can regenerate the API keys as follows.

Regenerate Agent API key

  1. Navigate to [Project] » Settings » Install Agent tab.
  2. Click on the Regenerate API key button.

Regenerate Agent License key

  1. Navigate to Settings » Account Settings » License Keys tab.
  2. Click on the Regenerate License key button.

Regenerate Client API key

  1. Navigate to Settings » Account Settings » API Keys tab.
  2. Click on the Regenerate API key icon on the API key that you want to regenerate.

When you regenerate your key, the old key becomes instantly unusable. After you regenerate, make sure that you have replaced your old API key with a new one.