If you are not seeing data even after setup, check the following:

  • The require("atatus-nodejs") should be the first line of your server code. It must be placed above all other 'require' statements in your 'server.js' or 'index.js'. Most of the time, this is the root cause.

  • You can enable debug flag to know whether anything is getting failed.

        licenseKey: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY",
        appName: "YOUR_APP_NAME",
        logLevel: "debug"

Issue with ES6 and Babel

If you are using ES6 with Babel, you might not receive the data even though you have added require("atatus-nodejs") in the first line. This happens because Babel does not execute it in order. Somehow, modules such as Express, MongoDB are loaded before Atatus agent. You have to setup an agent as follows

  • Import atatus-nodejs/start in your Node.js app.
// Add below line in index.js/server.js as first line of your code.
import atatus from 'atatus-nodejs/start'
// startMonitor is different from "start" function. It is used only when you are using Babel(Typescript) or ES6.
  • Create a file atatus-config.js file in the current working directory with following contents.
// atatus-config.js
module.exports = {
   licenseKey: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY",
   appName: "YOUR_APP_NAME"
  • Restart your Node.js server.