
HipChat + Atatus Integration

Get notified for errors and performance issues in HipChat.

Integrations    HipChat

hipchatIntegrate HipChat with Atatus

HipChat is a great team chat product for productive companies. HipChat is a product of the friendly folks at Atlassian.

Setup instructions
  1. In Atatus, Navigate to project Settings -> Team Notifications -> HipChat.

  2. Copy-paste the API Token from https://your_account.hipchat.com/account/api into the API Token textbox.
  3. Copy-paste the Room ID or Name from https://your_account.hipchat.com/rooms/ids into the Room ID textbox.
  4. Press the Save button when you're done.

Congrats! HipChat is now integrated with Atatus. Error and performance notifications will be delivered to the configured HipChat room.

This is how you will see the notification in HipChat.


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