Python Monitoring made simple.

Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize Python app performance with Atatus. No code changes required in your app. Start seeing hidden Python errors in minutes.


pip install atatus

Add "atatus.contrib.django" to "INSTALLED_APPS" in your


   # ...

Set license key and app name in your


   'APP_NAME': 'Python App',
   'LICENSE_KEY': 'lic_apm_xxxxxxx'

Send an event

Restart your Django servers. That's it! You've sent your first event.

Questions and answers on Python Monitoring

What is Python monitoring?

Python monitoring tracks and analyzes performance, resources, errors, and dependencies of Python apps in real-time. It covers metrics like response times, CPU, memory, error tracking, logging, and dependency monitoring. Tools like New Relic, Datadog, and Prometheus help collect, analyze, and alert on these metrics for better app performance and issue resolution.

How does Atatus monitor Python applications?

Atatus provides a Python agent that you can install in your application. This agent collects data about your Python application's performance, including response times, throughput, error rates, and more. It also provides detailed insights into the performance of individual components of your application, such as database queries, external API calls, and web requests.

What are the top python metrics to monitor in a python application?

Here are a few Python metrics that you should consider while monitoring the python app.

  1. Response time
  2. Request latency
  3. Queued time and queue size
  4. CPU and system memory usage
  5. Disk usage
  6. Unhandled errors
What integrations does Atatus support in Python monitoring?
What frameworks does Python monitoring support?

Atatus can help you identify bottlenecks in your code and optimize your Python code for better performance. Our Python monitoring solution has integrations with all the major Python frameworks such as Django and Flask.

Start fixing issues impacting your users right now

Try it free. No credit card required. Instant set-up.

Awesome Support

Best APM Monitoring tool

"Atatus customer service is just amazing. I had before New Relic and Stackify and I can honestly say that Atatus compared to those two is the leader! Leader in pricing and user interface and ability to drill down to the problem."

— S Herman Kiefus, DevOps Admin, Compass

Python Performance Monitoring in real-time

Atatus captures all requests to your Python applications without requiring you to change your source code. Get a clear picture of how all your methods, database statements and external requests are affecting your user's experience.

Ready to see actionable data?

Avail Atatus features for 14 days free-trial. No credit card required. Instant set-up.